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Alters Volume 1 The Story of Chalice Alters Volume 1 The Story of Chalice Paperback – June 6 2017 by Paul Jenkins Author Mike Marts Editor Leila Liz Artist 0 more Alters Volume 1 The Story of Chalice by Paul Jenkins Alters Volume 1 The Story of Chalice by Paul Jenkins As the world struggles to accept the emergence of a new kind of human species known as alterations or Alters a young woman must navigate the path to becoming her true self while struggling with the complications of her civilian life and the responsibilities of her newfound power Alters The Story of Chalice 1 Volume 1 Issue Alters The Story of Chalice 1 This groundbreaking series years in the making begins the saga of a young woman who can only really be whenever she is not herself Collecting issues 15 of the criticallyacclaimed series plus the original short story from AfterShock Genesis oneshot Written by Eisner winner Paul Jenkins and illustrated by Leila Leiz Alters Vol1 Alters 1 by Paul Jenkins Goodreads Alters Volume 1 Chalice is a teenage female superhero an Alter in a world of Alters persons with extraordinary powers that emerge during adolescence Her powers exceptionally strong even among other Alters have only just begun to emerge Alters Volume 1 The story of Chalice Book 2017 Alters Volume 1 The story of Chalice Paul Jenkins Leila Leiz Aftershock Comics As the world struggles to accept the emergence of a new kind of human species known as Alterations or Alters a young woman begins her transition from male to female only to find herself also Customer reviews Alters Volume 1 The Story Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Alters Volume 1 The Story of Chalice at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users Alters Volume 1 The Story of Chalice Paperback Free 2day shipping on qualified orders over 35 Buy Alters Volume 1 The Story of Chalice Paperback at Alters Vol 1 The story of Chalice Guilford Free Library Alters Vol 1 The story of Chalice Guilford Free Library Search for Alters Volume 1 Review Enter Chalice A Trans Superheroine Nowhere in this first volume does Chalice have to deal with slurs antitrans sentiment or other negativity directly The narrative also creates a deliberate balance between being trans and having superpowers Chalice talks a lot about ‘intersections’ – living three different lives at once